Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I have been told that if I decide to get my new car serviced somewhere other than the selling dealership that they can still stamp my log book. Would this affect my warranty if I do?

It is a common misconception that getting your car serviced at an aftermarket service centre will save you money but comparing prices reveals that this is not the case. Additionally, should you need to make an out of warranty claim; you will have a higher chance of it being accepted if you have continued to service your car through the selling dealer. A dealer who recognises you as a loyal customer will be able to negotiate on your behalf so that your out of warranty claim is not declined by the manufacturer.

Is it just me or do dealerships always seem to be more expensive than other service centres? Why is this?

Dealerships have highly trained staff that are specifically skilled at maintaining your particular vehicle, and have the right equipment from the manufacturer to ensure that the job is done according to warranty requirements. This means your car will be fitted with genuine Hyundai parts as well as having the superior service workmanship that factory trained technicians provide. When it comes time to resell your vehicle, a logbook that has been fully managed by the dealer will increase the value of your car so it is definitely in your best interest to have your car serviced by the dealership where you bought it.

What is the advantage of buying genuine parts and accessories?

The advantage of buying genuine Hyundai parts and accessories for your car is that they are made specifically for your vehicle and are of a high quality so they fit correctly to your vehicle. Additionally when buying genuine parts and accessories you know you are not risking your warranty, as genuine parts are guaranteed under warranty, whereas using non-genuine parts could void warranty claims.

How do I know whether your prices are competitive and genuine?

We pride ourselves on being open and accountable with our pricing, and encourage you to shop around and compare prices. If you have questions about any of our pricing, please do not hesitate to talk to a member of our experienced Wynnum service team on (07) 3067 4250.

Do I have to have my new car serviced with you guys?

It is not a requirement of your warranty to service your car with the selling dealer as long as the service centre you use is an approved one, but there are advantages to having your new car serviced with us. Not only do our factory trained technicians have the right equipment, parts and knowledge of your car, but if you choose to upgrade we already know your cars history.

How do I know what sort of petrol I’m supposed to use in my vehicle?

The manufacturer will make recommendations in the owner’s manual for which specific types of petrol can be used in each car. It is important to follow this information to keep your car in optimal condition while satisfying warranty requirements.

How do I know the correct tyre pressure for my car and where do I find this information?

Every car is fitted with a tyre pressure sticker which is usually located on the door or in another place on the car, depending on the brand of car. Your owner’s manual will show you exactly where this sticker is located for future reference as needed.

If my wheels are vibrating why would this be?

Your wheels are rotating at very high speeds and can become unbalanced if you hit a pothole, kerb or have been driving on uneven roads which can cause them to vibrate. Organising to have a wheel balance at your next service will fix this problem.

If my car is pulling to the right what could be causing this problem?

If your suspension has been knocked out due to hitting a pothole or kerb this could cause your car to pull to either the left or right, depending on which side you hit. This can be fixed easily with a wheel alignment to recalibrate.

In some cases you might notice a slight pull to the left or right due to the camber of the road. Roads are built for water to run off, so sometimes you can feel a slight pull to either side because of this.

How often does the pollen filter need to be changed and what exactly does it do?

Pollen filters are designed to filter pollen and other airborne contaminants from the air before it enters the cabin of the car. They need to be changed every 30,000km. At your dealer service this will be taken care of at the appropriate time.

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